
I read a quote recently. "Change is inevitable. Growth is optional." Over the last few months, we have all had to grow and change. It was this change I have been thinking about for quite some time. What did I want out of my career? What did I want out of life? What did I want out of my writing and this blog?

I had started making changes to my career back in January, tweaking my life here and there, and expanding my writing dossier, but this blog was a little more challenging. I don't know why I thought it was that way. It is mine. It is a platform, one I could mold and shape into anything I wanted. Over the years, I have used it as a tool to share what I was doing. That became old and boring. Look back through several of my posts and you will see a writer's life can be...somewhat boring. Why do you think we make stories up?

But I digress.

I've been thinking about how to change this blog's focus for a while. I've been wanting to get back into teaching. I've also been wanting to build my blog readership. I was getting ready for my night job, when it dawned on me.

"Teach your writing classes through your blog." Well, duh!

With that, I began building a frame work and next week will be the first class of this instructional blog. I'm going to call it "Writing 101" and then there will be different subtitles each week. We will cover characterization, setting, point-of-view, plot points, and more. We will take writing, break it down, write, edit, and even look at marketing along the way. I want this blog to be a step-by-step how-to manual to get you to writing yes, but also to help you get published.

So for now, for this week, I want you to gather your writing tools. You will need a notebook, preferably spiral, a writing pen that feels comfortable in your hand, post-it notes, and a calendar to write down and remind yourself to check next week's blog on Monday.

Through this process, know I will always be available for questions and if you would like me to look at your work, I will post the link to my editing/proofreading site below. In the meantime, if you are really interested in writing and want to take your writing to the next level, gather your tools and meet me back here in a week. We'll get started.

Hope to see you then.

As Always,

Proofread and Copy Edit Plus


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